Monday, March 17, 2014

Shaking up todays blog


For todays blog im taking you out of the dance room and into the weight room. If your going to be a good dancer haveing big arms definatly helps. They both atract attention and make some dance moves and holds easier. 

Arnold has a lot to say about arms and you can definatly tell why.

He was all about seeing yourself the way you want it to be as you lift. He bleieved that you had to have a lot of positive self talk to lift the way you wanted to.This quote from Arnold is a perfect example of how he did what he did.

 "In my mind I saw my biceps as mountains, enormously huge, and I pictured myself lifting tremendous amounts of weight with these superhuman masses of muscle."

    A lot of people think "curls for the girls" but arms are a lot more than just your bicepts. He talks about how your bicept is 1/3 of your arm while your tricept is 2/3 of it. Its very important to develop your arms equally and remember to work the tris. 
      Another problem with lifting your arms is that they get used to the excersise very quickly and pretty soon it wont help you improve. The way to overcome this is by "shocking" the arms with changes and variations in your lift. Some ways to do this is by switching up weight amounts, adding reps and sets, speeding up training so as to lift more forcefully, decreasing rest between sets, performing unfamiliar exercises, and doing your normal exercises in an unfamiliar order.
    While doing curls or tricepts you have to use perfect form so you can isolate the muscle. Even though he praises perfect form he also says its a good thing to cheat. Its not the same cheating you think of though. After you cant do anymore reps with perfect form you cheat by using your body to get the bar up. This helps wear the bicepts out part the point where they cant go anymore.

    Some perfered exercises of Arnold are "concentrarion curls" and "arnold curls."

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